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Jotham's Story

I grew up as a missionary kid in Burkina Faso and during my teenage years, I lived in Switzerland. Living cross-culturally, it was instinctual to have a curiosity about adventurous new places. I spent many mornings watching travel shows and daydreaming that could be me. Since I was young I had a passion for nations. 

From the earliest, I remember God was real, moving in powerful miracles all around me. At12 years old I had a marking moment. The God I was familiar with since my childhood was no longer only a miracle worker but I knew he loved me intimately. This is the God I decided I would serve for the rest of my life. In the following years, I always knew deep down mission was the call God was asking me to answer.

Charity's Story

I Grew up enjoying all the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. With my parents as pastors, I was always at church, it was my second home and family. As a girl, I had a deep appreciation and honor for God. At any given time I was counting down the days until the next time I got to travel. I dreamt of going and meeting people who didn’t speak my language. It wasn't until later that I saw there was more to missions than a spring break trip. 

From middle school to early high school, life got a little more complicated. It was during these years my eyes were opened and confronted with the darkness in the world and the pain in my own life. I too needed more than a Sunday service. I sought and found relationship, safety, freedom, comfort, and a friend. These years God's tangible love met me where I was. He began to teach me Lordship.  He has been faithful time and time again and I have learned that He is worthy of my yes.


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